I wish there was an achievement for mashing "X" 1 million times, because that's all you'll be doing here.

User Rating: 6.5 | Ninety-Nine Nights X360
Ninety-Nine Nights throws thousands of enemies at you by the hundreds at one time. I wish there was a funner way to dispose of them besides mashing on pretty much one button though. There are some RPG elements but they're not that fleshed out and very basic. You can upgrade your character's weapons and add additional items to increase your power or life as you level up. Weapon and item upgrades are very few though so don't expect anything deep. There are eight characters to play through the game with and each one handles a bit differently despite the fact that you'll still be mashing on the same button regardless of which one you play. The plot is boring and incomplete. Even after finishing the game it felt like there should have been more to the story. Graphics are decent and the number of enemies that appear on screen at once is astounding. However, the only reason why you would want to replay this game over and over again after completing it is to earn all the achievements. Be careful on saving though, I accidently overwrote the save file of one character with another one, if you do that you have to start that particular character from scratch, what a pain!

In short, this game is not bad, just a tad boring due to the sheer repetitiveness.