Ninety-Nine Nights was a valid, but failed attempt to try to take games like Dynasty warriors to a new level of realism.

User Rating: 7 | Ninety-Nine Nights X360
The game tried to take everything that series greats like dynasty warriors and samarai warriors did and take them to a new level. N3 did indeed suceed in some aspects. For one they definitely beefed up the graphics to make it look like it was built for next-gen consoles. They also made the battles huge while fighting hundreds of enemies at a time. Unfortunately the drawbacks outweight the good. During the massive battles their is no targeting system so finding enemies which is alot worse than it sounds. Combos are reundant. Story is terrible. and gameplay is short. All in all it fails to produce the experience it tried for. If you are really looking for a great experince just get anyone of the dynasty warriors games. They are all great have a huge cast of charachters and a good nice long gameplay.