WARNING: Realy-freakin-hard

User Rating: 9.3 | Ninja Gaiden Black XBOX
This is a hard game.
No, not hard to describe; hard to play. This is not a game for average players. On the "normal" difficulty, also known as "dear god, I'm gonna go cut my throat now", the game is BLISTERINGLY difficult. People who are not used to the controls yet will find themselves dieing over and over again, and many will stop there. But to those who stick it out, learn the controls, and figure out the gameplay mechanics, this game offers, perhaps, one of the most gratifing experiences any game can offer. For those who just can't keep up with the difficulty, there IS an "easy" mode, appropriately named "ninja dog" (implying that this is probably NOT the game for you), but this doesn't make the game that much easier. It simply makes the enemies easier to kill. You still face impossible odds, monstously huge bosses, and lotsa ninjas (a plus in any game). But, that's the point. For those who beat this game, even on normal, you FEEL good; like you've just done something worthy of praise. For those who can beat the game on "ninja master" the hardest setting, you become a god among your fellow players. This is a game that is quickly becoming a gamer "badge of honor", so-to-speak...