Ninja Gaiden is Awesome
The story was kinda confusing but there are two playable characters Ryu and some blond busty chick. Ryu is way better and faster but the blonde is also pretty good with attacks and dodging. Ryu has all the sick weapons like a spear, big sword, a medium sized sword, numchucks, and two dual swords. Each weapon has there own techniques you use to dominate your oppenents. The best one in my opinion is the spear b/c its insanely fast while attacking. Anyway you are probably going to have to block almost all the time so its your best friend for sure. There is some platforming in it like running on walls and jumping on platforms.
The game also has great boss battles each being fairly diffult with each type of attacking. The game's main probelm is that they need more save points b/c sometimes you'll have to fight through hordes of enemies and then a boss till you get to the boss battle which is annoying.
The game's graphics are underatted. They look next-gen and there really pretty. The sound is what you would expect from a Ninja game but the music is nothing special but it isn't bad or good.The controlls are perfect but you have to shake your controller to improve a special attack you creat to gain more power which I think is completely retarded. There is no online play which is kinda expecting cause idk how you would make the game online but you can post your level score online for rankings. Bottomline- The game is great and there are only two flaws but it doesn't matter at all. The game is a must buy espicially since the lack of games for the ps3. Its probably in my opinioin one of the best action games ever made. Play it and you'll understand.