ninja gaiden sigma is a ninja game im am nt usally into those kinda game but still i wanted to give it a shot and wat a good shot it was. u r a ninja named ryu ur village was burned and u r seeking revenge the story is a liitle hard to follow but is very good and detailed voice acting is chessey. graphics r really good ryu animates very well and move great same wit the girl chracter. flaws its hard and save system sucks u might find ur self repeting boss fights or many other thing but its not so hard that u chuck the controller at the tv also the whole wepon thing is hard because its hard to upgrade them wen u have to sprnd most ur points on elixrs to heal ur self but this game was a little weird to me i thought at first i hated it then loved it over and over but over all it was ok thank god i rented it.
The Good: Improved graphics over the original, some added music, challenging, slick animations, amazing bossfights, added tweaks that removes some frustration, deep and rewarding combat system, female character Rachel is... Read Full Review
If you're into games like God of War and Devil May Cry and you're looking for a fix in that department. Well look no further this is the game that will fill your needs for the moment until both of those games come out. N... Read Full Review