A great Button-Basher, but strap yourself in....its going to be a bumpy ride.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ninja Gaiden Sigma PS3
I must say...I've pretty much always been a Ninja Gaiden fan and this game didn't change that at all. The game itself is a mix of new and old. Having played some of the older content already, I was slightly disappointed that Sigma wasn't all new. However, the previous versions were so good, I didn't really mind.


The thing that I love but hate as well about this game is the combat. Your character can do some pretty awesome stuff if in the right hands and if you can respond well to intense situations, then you should be fine. However, if you're not focussed, you'll look like a complete novice and get slaughtered by your enemies. BEWARE: THIS GAME IS A REAL BUTTON-BASHER. If you really want to succeed in this game, you have to be prepared for the possibility of breaking your buttons/controller. This style of combat is not for novice gamers. On the other hand, the graphics are nice and the consistency that so many games lack nowadays is still there.

Remembering moves and techniques can prove to be difficult and frustrating. Speaking of difficult, this game is incredibly hard! If you're like me and take a while to adjust to these games you could find yourself doing the same level over and over again until you get it right. Just stay focused, try to remember moves and techniques and don't get angry if you fail – one of the best feelings you get from this game is the satisfaction of beating a chapter.

Like I mentioned above, I would highly recommend Ninja Gaiden to the more experienced players and perhaps the ones who have played games like street fighter or other button bashers. Overall, a highly rewarding and fun game.