very good game fast killind killing and killing very entertaining and much action you will all agree trust me i lvoe playing it over and over it will interset you alot and will make you want more the graphics of the game go good with the action this game is awesome ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kjk;;;;;;;;;;kljkbvchbkcvhjlhbjcvhjbhcvjkhjchjkbxhjkcbhvjkbhcjkvhjkbhxhjbihjg hivb ughuidfhgjudfhuo hfud gudfhg uofdudfhguhdfsjng uib dghdufn ughdf uigj yidhfhu fjoh ughfduh gufbgc ufgh hr ghur gheryier ig tueru gteughtuioyhubgyisfyigh dfhguihdfui gdfhguhruhytuy eruteruithu rte htursu pthfuhudf gudfhug dhfu gudfh gudfhuoerveruhyu terui yuteruywuetu uyu vtu w ,erjk lghdfjkhy jhjkhtuir r eiuotreu tihuie ueyut eruyt uiyeuyt erohtuieyw ohet uheuiwhyehjtk djs jheuh uehui hueh uiyeity yigergyre tregyutrwuity wrhutwrui t wrhtu hwrui tuwwwru tuihwr rwu ty ubguy t whuwiqh uiwuibtui wuhwhtuowh uthwuq uwhu twhbybhwe qhuq aqh hqw triqhri wru twrh tiow
Back in 2004, Team Ninja released Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. It received universal acclaim from critics, and almost instantly became a fan favorite. The game did not stint on difficulty or graphical beauty. Fast forward ... Read Full Review
Ninjas - what’s there not to love? The swift moves of an acrobat, sword techniques known to few, assassins like no others. Imagine that put into a game with incredible action and phenomenal visuals. That’s exactly what N... Read Full Review