This game has action, puzzles, and just plain fun, oh yea and you just get to kick ass through the hole game

User Rating: 9.5 | Ninja Gaiden XBOX
this game has to be the best game to come out next to halo and posibly be one of the best for a realy long time. The endless possibilitys of what to do, go, see, and fight is just one of the many things that makes this game on of the best to ever come out for X-box. I admit this game is pritty difficult but when you get the hang of it and play it again it wont be hard at all. I took 28 hours in total to beat this game but playing it a second time only took me 4 hours. so other than halo this game is one of the best games to have(must own game). So whoever likes a whole lot of action good puzzles and great... no exclalent... no unbalievable moves this game is a must own. Now only if halo 2 would come out already before i die of the wait.NOVEMBER 9 2004.(count down at