A solid action-packed sword game, perfect in places - 8.0
User Rating: 8 | Ninja Gaiden Sigma PS3
In the first few months after the PS3 launch, only a small number of new games seemed to appear on the shelves. Ninja Gaiden Sigma was one of these and although the series was 360-based, it managed to impress in many areas. The gameplay is like alot of hack/slash games, except for in Sigma everything seems very smooth and accessible. Enemies are imaginative and solid, and weapons are effective and varied, although sometimes frustrating. The graphics are so-so through-out the game, sometimes very impressive, and sometimes glitchy and last-gen. As for the story, it is very fun and dramatic, and the levels are creative and well structured. The playable characters alternate from Ryu, who you play for teh most part, and Rachel, who you control seldom. The only thing that really stops Ninja Gaiden Sigma from being exceptional it the difficulty. Even if set on easy, enemies are tough and bosses are sometimes near-impossible even early on. This is especially annoying if you are used to completing games in a weekend or in a couple of hours, because in Sigma that is practically impossible. Overall though Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a very creative and playable game that impresses in many areas, but is sadly let-down by its overly hard difficulty - 8.0
+ Imaginative enemies
+ Great weapons
+ Brilliant gameplay
- Overly difficult