Wow, what a game!

User Rating: 9.7 | Ninja Gaiden XBOX
I bought Ninja Gaiden the day it was released, played ir for about two weeks, and gave up on it due to its frustrating difficulty. I didn't have the time or patience to deal with such a challenging game. However, about two weeks ago I finally decided to pick it up again and give it another shot. Boy, am I glad I did. It turns out, NG isn't as ridiculously difficult as I originally had thought. It's very challenging, don't get me wrong, but it's not impossible. The standard enemies are harder than the bosses in some other games, and the bosses are sometimes maddingly difficult. But, the enemies are not cheap, and most of them display recognizable patterns that can be exploited. When you die in NG, it's truly your own fault, which provides extra incentive to keep coming back for more. Unlike many games these days, NG actually requires skill. Standing still and tapping the X button repeatedly will get you nowhere. You have to learn to move quickly, block, and vary your attacks. It also helps to recognize which weapon is the most appropriate in a given situation, which lends a slight element of strategy to the game. The challenge provided by the standard enemies and bosses can sometimes prove frustrating, but this makes it all the more satisfying when you finally defeat them. Ryu is a blast to control. I haven't had as much fun simply moving a character around on the screen since Mario 64. His repoirtaire of moves is truly impressive--he can do everything from running horizontally on walls to running on water--making you believe that he is capable of almost anything. Slicing up enemies is also extremely satisfying, as Ryu's long list of attacks are often devastating and are acted out with such violent force that one can't help but feel like a complete badass. Ryu has as many moves as most any character in a full fledged fighting game, making for an incredibly deep combat system. Indeed, general combat is so much fun that I found myself actively seeking out enemies (how many games can you say this about?). As of today, it has been about eight months since NG was released, but its graphics have stood the test of time. NG offers arguably the best graphics of any console game. All of the intricately-detailed character models are beautifully rendered and animated. Most of the levels are rather large and plastered with gorgeous high-res textures. Of special note are the water and cloud effects which rank among the best ever. Littered throughout the game are several fantastic cutscenes which propel the admittedly confusing story. I wasn't always entirely sure what was going on in the cutscenes, but they were certainly pleasing to look at. I'm extremely glad that I decided to give NG another chance. After having beaten it, I can say with confidence that it is among the best games I have ever touched. It's a surprisngly long (took me 20 hours to beat) and wonderfully complex game that provides equally healthy doses of eye candy and challenge to those lucky enough to play it. And with free downloadable content, it is also an excellent value that should keep any gamer busy for quite some time.