Ninja King or God of Bore? For those who have loved God of War, BUT WANT MORE!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Ninja Gaiden Black XBOX
Ok, for those who have played God of War to death, maybe seen GoW2 and are thinking it looks like more of the same (which is good), but are WANTING MORE!!! This game is for you
Ninja Gaiden Black is that step up from GoW, with a similar but highly refined combat system plus a controllable camera, traded for a less physical and bloody box puzzle system and gore, present in GoW.

Firstly, the puzzle system in NGB. If you've ever played any Japanese action game like Resident Evil or the such, you will recognise the way puzzles work.
NGB’s combat is almost liquid. 80% of NGB’s button placement is where it is in GoW. Evade rolling is now 360° instead of 90° (i.e. not just back, forward, left, right), which makes some improvement to the fighting.

With a lot more content (playing kind rather than watching kind), Ninja Gaiden Black is worth investing your money and your time.
Action games will not be the same again.