I'm not impressed...Ryu is awesome but the game... is not.
But anyway,I'll break the review into parts like I usually do.
Graphics : 8/10
Graphics: 8/10 The main character looks very good.They did some nice work for Ryu's design...It looks really nice.It's the same ninja outfit Ryu had in the previous game,and it's done with good graphics.The bosses don't look as good though...they just don't.The environments should also have been made better,They don't look like they should look on a PS3 game that has such a good history.But...what looks totally awesome is...the finishers.Those look amazing.Ryu has many ways to finish off his enemies and each one of them is bloody and looks amazing.So,good graphics but not what I expected.
Gameplay: 8/10 Well this game focuses too much one showing Ryu off as a super cool ninja with superhuman abilities.To be honest they did well at that...In NG3 you get the feeling that Ryu is stronger than ever before. Combat is how it used to be.Fast paced.There are a few differences between the previous game's combat system and this one's though.The main differences are the ultimate technique that you can use by holding the Δ button and the ninpo spell.The ultimate attack isn't what it used to be.Now it's just a single strong slash that in most sittuations slices the enemy in half.Also,after killing a few enemies Ryu's arm will glow red.When it does,you have the ability to instantly take out about 5 enemies in a cool and bloody way.Sometimes during finishers you have to enter a command in order to execute it properly and avoid being countered.The ninpo spell instantly wipes out every enemy in a large area...and there's only one ninpo spell. Like I said before this game focuses a lot on Ryu's ninja skills.You get to run on walls,jump from one wall to another and everything you got to do in previous game...there are other stuff though.You get to fall from very high places while avoiding rockets etc as well as climbing walls using kunais while avoiding enemy projectiles,falling rocks etc. There are also a few stealth moments.During some cutscenes you have to enter commands.Those cutscenes are never actually boring.Hoever good the gameplay is,it gets repetetive.In every stage you have to do the same thing...Use ninja skills to skydive,climb etc kill a bunch of enemies until you take them out and then the same thing goes on.Oh,and there are no items to pick up and pathfinding is made easy as you can press the right stick and that will reveal you where you have to go...Well,there are also the bosses.Not the best bosses I've seen definately.
Soundtrack: 9/10 The soundtrack is really fitting.It's nothing groundbreaking but you can feel the adrenaline during the fights.Good soundtrack.Not amazing but still pretty good.
Content 6/10: Umm...basically you have the Story mode and the Darkness of the world game in which you have a ninja and take him to missions while leveling him up.You can also co-op in trials and have clan battles online...The truth is this game mode is...just too uninteresting... That's basically it. By the way,there are rediculously few weapons in the game,but that is partly fixed with upgrades through the internet.
Replayability :5/10 I'll go ahead and say this...after you've beaten the game too times to say the most then you will be too bored to come back to it...there's just nothing special other than the awesome killing...
Story :8/10 Nothing to do with the previous games and just nothing really special.Many people find it dull.II think it's... so-so. It's not bad really,but not as interesting as other games I've played.Ryu is challenged by an organization that wants to create some sort of god using a dragon ninja's blood.Ryu is also infected with the grip of murder...his arm goes red and...ugly.It's basically the blood of everyone he's killed or something like that... Not a bad story but not that good either.
Overall: 6.5/10 I'm not impressed.Nothing special except for the amazing slaughter.Although I admit I like the fact that Ryu is super cool in this game. I think it's worth renting but I can't recommend it for buying...This is kind of a letdown...