The game still isnt good.
User Rating: 3.5 | Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge X360
It is like the saying goes. Of you polish a lump of smelly poop, in the end, it is still a smelly lump of poop, but it is slightly more presentable. This is the case with Ninja Gaiden Razors Edge. Dont get me wrong, it is better than the vanilla version, but the game still suffers from frame rate issues, story centred gameplay that doesnt work. Ninja Gaiden has always been about hard-challenging combat. When you dumb down the combat, making it easy... well it is not really a Ninja Gaiden game. Which is a shame, because the game looks amazing. It looks like it would be fun to play, but none the less Razors Edge does nothing. Mediocre at best. Save your money. There are plently of better action games. Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, Ninja Gaiden 2 hell even Ninja Gaiden Sigma is incredible in this day and age.