Ummmmm...................who built this sequel and what have you done with the people who made the second one?
What's new to this installment of Ninja Gaiden:
- Quick time events that hardly add anything to the game and a couple of which require the dexterity of a squid to pull off the first time.
- New Controls for basic actions like swinging along a rope or climbing a wall with kunai that make you do more work than is absolutely necessary.
- Enemies that die and then return as mutants in the same battle.
- A main menu with its selections arranged ninety degrees off kilter so you have to turn your head on its side just to read them.
- Stretches of corridor where you are forced to walk, not run, for no real apparent reason.
- Parts where you are "afflicted" and combat slows to an excruciating pace.
What's missing:
- A nominal variety of weapons. Although it appears you get to access more weapons aside from your bow and sword with DLC; perfect for those of us not us connected to X-box Live.
- A story that explains why you have to fight the Black Spider Clan, when clearly they are not part of the main cast of enemies.
- A decent camera.
- Items, exploration, and in general anything that helps flesh out the game experience.
- Variety in foes that you have to face.
- Health meters for bosses so you know where you stand in beating them.