to much answer in one stage, camera is off, dark spot in the game, cant tell where enemy is. I would have to say ninja gaiden control lay and abilites to used the character action was better. game is to short and it seem it was rush. i would rent it before actually buying this one was major let down from the previous ninja gaiden. On the postion the stroy line could sell the game the plot and the setting is what made me give this game a 7 whether then a 5. Compare it to a similar game like devil may cry i would pick devil may cry because of it ability to capture the audios as well as have more hours with in game play. Ninja Gaiden is a great series put this one lack the ability form me to continue to want to play. looking into a franchise of it quality i would luv to see another ninja gaiden but with better quality animations and better configure controls. another place where the game deliveries is with action simulation with cut scence i have never seen that quality effort in a game. once again i give it a seven look forward to another installment and i gave the postive and negative of the game.
I regret pre-ordering Ninja Gaiden 3. I thought that it would be better than the previous NG games. Turns out I was dead wrong. The developers left out a lot of elements that attributed to the "Ninja gaiden experience".... Read Full Review
When I see the title Ninja Gaiden there are a few things that come to mind. Ninja Gaiden is fast paced, requires precision, ensures the occurrence of lethal opponents, contains over the top attacks, distributes great ... Read Full Review