Fun action game, but definitely overrated.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword DS
Graphics: 8.5/ 10

Extremely well-done stationary environments with average DS looking sprites. Good looking cut-scenes and anime based characters. Some of the cleanest looking graphics I've seen on the DS.

Music: 7.5 / 10

Excellent soundtrack, though not the best, it definitely fits the mood of the game. The sounds in this game are alright... You hear the constant Hai Ya-ing of Ryu Hayabusa while performing attacks. As you walk around the village you hear some Japanese 1-liners from the characters you live there. Also when you do your 'special hand symbol attacks' you can hear Ryu counting down in Japanese.

Gameplay 6.5 / 10

The Good - The coolest part about this game is using the 'stylus to perform all your attacks'. Another cool thing is performing 'special hand symbol attacks' by using the stylus to draw in a Japanese symbol. It's also fun collecting "balls of energy" to pay for new special attacks.

The Bad - I'm growing tired of mindless action games. In this game you'll find yourself scibbling all over you DS screen and giving yourself carpal-tunnel if you do more then one mission a day. Another downside is bosses take way to much time to beat and are not very fun. As expected with most action games the bad guys get increasingly more difficult to beat as you progress through the game. If your into action games where you do the same attacks killing the same bad guys over and over again, then this game is for you.

Overall 7.5 / 10

I would recommend picking this game up when it's on sale for like 20 dollars.