The title pretty much says it all. Yes, the camera can be frustrating. Yes, the story is ridiculous (but do you really care?). But the action is just as great as in NG:Black and the post-battle regenerating health and the obliteration techniques are welcome additions. I have to mention that you'll still have to re-fight some bosses (ugh), and the game seems to take a difficulty spike around chapter 10 of 14 (specifically on the Way of the Warrior difficulty). Ultimately, this a game for the fans. If you liked Black, you'll undoubtedly love the new gameplay tweaks, but they likely won't make you a convert to the Ninja Gaiden series.
Difficulty Note: I found the Way of the Warrior difficulty to be just right, though it was too easy at times and cheaply hard at others.
2004 saw the rebirth of the Ninja Gaiden franchise on the Xbox, Team Ninja setting a new benchmark for the action-adventure genre in the process. Four years later and Ninja Gaiden II hasn't had quite the same groundbreak... Read Full Review
The Good: If the core combat wasn't perfected before it certainly has been now, some of the best animations in the business, finally features real successive play , longer than the first game, improved interface, great b... Read Full Review