Its not that bad once you get the hang of it.
Ninja Gaiden 2 is just like the first game, you have to be fast to stay alive except this time around the action is ten times better than the first game, and here is why. In Ninja Gaiden 2 you have the ability to cut off arms, legs, heads, and even hack limbs in the bloodiest ways possible. Every weapon you come across is capable of dismembering a body part, it seems strange but these weapons are sharp! Even the Tonfa's have blades (no more nunchuks).
The gameplay is over the top, stylish and makes games like Bayaneta, Devil May Cry, and even God of war seem shameful. And that's thanks to the fast pace action that never slows down. Speaking of gameplay, NG2 is a lot more forgiving than the first game. After every fight with a swarm of enemies your health bar will refill (and not in small amounts either). This makes the experience more satisfying for people that hate dying so easily. Its not a bad game, although the levels are quite dull, and the graphics still look a little like the first game so you would assume that its not a true next gen game in terms of graphics. As far as story line goes, there really isn't one. Ninja Gaiden 2 is all about the gory action and speed of keeping up with aggressive enemies.
Boss fights are still the same as they were, although if you want an easy fight. I highly recommend using the Scythe, it will take down anything with a few swipes. There are newer weapons that appear in the game like the double swords, Tonfa, Staff, talon claws, etc. Ryu Hayabusa is aided by a new female ally this time, though she looks a lot like the busty chick from the first game except she has short blond hair, wears a different kinky outfit, and carries a big gun.
One of the worst parts of the game is the final boss. The first two forms are okay, but its when you make it to the boss you have to shoot with the d*mn arrows that is rather annoying. Not only is it a really boring and slow boss fight. It takes forever to kill that thing. And if you die? You will have to fight it over again from the start. So be careful not to die when your about to end its life. Its not that difficult to defeat, but the camera can make this fight your last.
One of the good things about Ninja Gaiden 2 is that the game isn't short. For an action title, the length is just right.
However, when it comes down to the music? Ninja Gaiden 2 disappoints. Sometimes I like to play with Shinobi 3 music, and when ever I fight a boss? I just play the track "Mandara" lol. Too bad the PS3 doesn't allow custom tracks to work in every game.