Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is an absolute blast to play. It's a fast, addictive and challenging action game.
The gameplay in this game is what gives it the edge. Blocking, dodging, countering attacks is something that you must learn otherwise its GAME OVER!
The weapons in this game are much better than the first sigma, imo. The Enma's fang in particular just looks awesome. There's more variety too.
Upgrading weapons obviously makes them more powerful, changes their look and adds more moves.
The action is simple but satisfying, you need react fast to incoming attacks. You can cut limbs off of any enemy making them easier to kill but this makes them desperate forcing them to "suicide bomb" you!
Throwing stars, exploding throwing stars, barrage of rockets, magic fireballs are some of things enemies throw at you.
The downside to this game is the story, which is quite terrible, made better only by the cutscenes but if only they had made an attempt at intriguing plot it would've been a 10 from me. Even the characters are bland, with no real personality.
Graphics are beautiful, clear and crisp. The areas are all well made, with variety in every chapter.
Being a linear game its easy to pick up and play. The online co-op gives another reason, which can be laggy at times but works well. Aside from the story mode, there are team missions and chapter challenge to complete, all of which unlock costumes.
So a fun action game with decent re-play value too!