Great game but, the are some let downs.

User Rating: 9 | Ninja Gaiden II X360
In Ninja gaiden 2 there are some new weapons new story and new characters, the game is overall a really fun and addictive game but there are some major let downs because the difficulty varies alot in one mode, like in the easy mode at the start to easy then you go futher along the campaign and some bosses are nearly impossibe, such the lava armadillo i got stuck on that for ages the shouldnt of made some parts in the game that hard and unexpexted. The goodparts are the new weapons, there are really different weapons that i have never heard of and they are really fun the cut up things, the gore of the violence is great such as whan your attacking you see legs, arms and head flying of which feels great. The bad part about that is that when they are crawling around with only one leg you dont really thing that they are a threat but then you find yourself on the ground getting stabbed by and indecitary sheriken, that just becames really frusterating. So the gameplay of ninja gaiden 1 and the new weapons, fiends and a frustrating parts this is still a great game.