I really was hoping something else........
but just when its start......something is broken.....more blood yes...more gore yes.....nice combos yes.....combat system ok.....but there was no challenge....why....this ryu already knows everything so they wipe me from learn something new........the weapons are lame except the sword ......
so you can kill and kill and thats all...the story is lame for my taste, like a bad hollywood movie..too simple...to simple....
Hour after hour i play this game i got more bored, i upgraded my sword with the max after 3 levels, and the other things too.
the graphics are too equal to the xbox, so i cant really see change except in the blood and gore where the makers put really effort to make it look gross..
The boss of every level are easy and predictable..and if you have enough Hp AND ITEMS...you can pass this the first time no sweat
Maybe in the hard mode you can really cry for why is this hard..with one really stupid relation
and thats it.....so you just have to push more quickly XX YYYXYXYXYXYX XYXXX->YYY XXXYXXYXYXYXYXYXYY
I am utterly dissapointed of this game.....nothing like the predecessor.....if you want some gore game with an interesting history go for conan