awesome game of the year worth it playing on the snes system
now this game is awesome to play i remember beating this game when i was kid same as 1st 2D platformer & badguy trying to kill u only at least tecmo throw in so more ninja to attack rye on this game u got so cool side weapon that will help out & new ones that will help u in the game plus there some upgrade that will help u in the game so u can use your side weapons more i love the boss fight & nice job bring back the old music from the 1st ninja gaiden boss fight in the game the cut seen r nice to watch & learn whats going the story line so get to know what this is about that u also new character r in the game but u don't get be them plus u get to clime on any solid wall in sted of a ladder which is awesome back when i was playing the 1st ninja gainden i had to repeat jump backword over & over & over again to get through hard place this game game is worth playing on the SNES system
now this game is awesome to i have to say all three ninja gaiden r very good temco sure knew they were doing when they made it this game let u play just like the other ninja gaiden series but this time u get upgrade form your blade used in the game which give u the each to help u play to win new enemy's apper this time ninja commando r after u which never get any easier to beat but not to u have some good side weapons that helpful to u while u r playing & again u have to upgrade your ability to use your side waepon's aging just like on the 2nd ninja gaiden game i think the level is abit more trick to get throught this time the 1 & 2 ninja gaiden keep about the same design this one is about the same only alot more has change the cutseen r more better then before look like a comic book series the gameplay is abit same but more balance & when rye attack anyone or anything he make a sound like hieee yaaaa well know know when try this out i recommand on getting this game
the only diffrent betwen the SNES & NES is control & music snes game music is redone & u can't use Y X L R button at all other then that this game is awesome