When this game came out the screenshots alone on the App store were good enough for me to get it, not to mention the fact that it was only 2.99. Now having played it, and having become addicted to it, I can say that this game could easily go for 4.99. When fieldrunners first came out it was an instant classic and a game that everyone was talking about, I think this game is going to have that same effect. It is just that good. The graphics are on par with Fieldrunners in everyway, alittle less sharp when zooming in, in fact there is so much detail to the environment that I would even go as far as saying the graphics are a tad better the Fieldrunners. The game is quite hard, you will find yourself replaying levels over and over especially your first time around since you are only given 2 troops to begin with. As you pass areas you unlock more troop types and special abilities as well. The game is great if your looking for a game that has great length, good graphics, and is not as pricey as say other games in the genre.