This game sucks really bad and here is why . The graphics look good if you are playing a Nintendo 64. The controls are terrible if you swing with the sword it barely works so you should avoid them. You jump with the Nunchuk you can jump with the Z button but the game doesn't tell you that. The camera sucks as you couldn't see very good. The music keeps repeating over and over again and that makes the music boring. You will play the game for about 15 minutes then you will be done it is that bad. Ninjabread Man sucks the only good thing about this game is to jump with the Z button but it would have been better to jump with the A button you should skip the game because it sucks. Even though it's $4.99 at Gamestop it is not worth it. I was going to give the game a 0.5 but I can't go lower than 1. Thank you for reading this review. Hope you enjoyed it.
If I could invent a time machine, I would go back to the day I rented this game, and shot myself. Why I even thought of playing this game is just plain horrifying. The controls are awful, the story makesd you cringe with... Read Full Review
Dear lord. Do yourself a favor. Forget there ever was a Ninjabread man. The concept died right after conception. Someone said Hey, I have an idea! and someone said SHUT UP BOB! Sadly this is not the case, and here we are... Read Full Review