First few plays it seems like a fantastic game. Good graphics and sound but does become repetitive.
The bad: The game does become repetitive and a bit of a bore. The long commentry at the beggining of contests is very annoying and the lame jokes they crack aren't funny! I've had this game for 8 months. I feel like I'm over it but i just keep coming back for more. Every now and again i find myslef playing for about 20 mins, feeding, washing and walking the dogs. There's never an ending or a top level to reach, so it's not one of those games you compete and then forget about. Not as enjoyabke as it used to be, but it still has that spark. There are many, many more unlockables i have not yet unlocked. They include a lot of items, house designs and new breeds of dogs. You can unlock these by gaining tranier points. Your dogs also keep learning new tricks, like the other day when my Golden Retriever responded (howled) to another dogs bark, i was able to teach it "Bark". Overall it's a fun, cute game. Some will enjoy and others will be over it in a flash.
Me= 8.9 Great
Gamespot= 9.1 Superb