The first time you experience landing on planet it's mind blowing, but you soon find out that there isn't much more than that to the game. Each planet is nearly identical with goofy looking creatures and strange colour schemes. There are no NPC characters on the planets except for stationary outpost characters that serve almost no purpose in the game, and provide very little entertainment. Space combat is boring and repetitive, with enemy ships looping through the same attack patterns leading to continual head to head chicken matches. Starfox 64 had WAY better dog fighting. There is no story, no real characters, and after 6 hours of solid gameplay I doubt I'll ever launch the game again. I was hoping NMS would be like Rebel Galaxy on steroids, but found myself enjoying the free Rebel Galaxy much more. At best this should have been a $19.99 indie release.
The hatred for this game boggles my mind. I chalk it up to petty people who are jealous of not being able to create anything like this themselves.I purchased my PS4 with this game in mind a year ago. I didn't watch all t... Read Full Review
I'm playing this game all my free time, and it was years since a game could hold me like that, this game is unique. Although some people point a lot of flaws, they are comparing it with what? Some people complain that t... Read Full Review