Just buy it... really...
I was wrong.
You can get more in-depth information from other reviews, so I'll simply explain why I think this is an insta-buy:
1. You're getting a full package.
You ever get the feeling that some games just aren't finished, sometimes, or that a game was thrown together? This is NOT one of those games. There are so many little things tossed in here, it's amazing. The music, visual styles, etc. Gameplay-wise, you get even more. The job/minigames are actually fun.
2. You're on a ride.
Suda 51 and his crew throw so much randomness/awesomeness at you, it's insane. On paper, the plethora of "stuff" in this game would seem muddled, but it really does work. I still don't know how, but it does.
3. It just works.
I don't know any other way to say it.
I honestly didn't think I'd like this game, so I'm surprised I'm writing a positive review, recommending this title to others.
If you're hesitant, try a rental, but I think it would be good to support a developer that listens to fans, sticks to his gaming-guns, and truly wants to create a fun game.