I don't care if they improved the gameplay, the story for this game has two is sumed up in 3 words: The Story Sucks.

User Rating: 6.5 | No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle WII
Gameplay-8.5/10-The gameplay for this game is much improved then the last one. Before you had to go through 11 rank matches to become the best assain but to enter a match you had to pay a very long and tedious fee to enter the match. To get the money for the matches you had to do minigames that weren't hard but very long and annoying for cash. In this game they removed that and added a system in which you enter a rank match after your done with the last one, which is really fun and much more easy. Also combat has been polhised up and much more easy than before, but still nothing amazing, its still a beat em up which is a great amount of fun.
Story-3/10-Honestly this is one of the main promblem with this game is the story. Its not a bad story or anything but really after playing No More Heros 1 and watch its very well done and great ending twist, I knew i was looking forawd to this, but sadly its a no go. Now lets see whats wrong with this story the story is about how Travis wants to get revenge aganist the Pizza Butt orginazation for killing his best friend bishop. And thats it no suprise or anything its a straight foward story. And Travis need to get past all these pointless rank batttles for no reason just to kill him. I don't know why he didn't take his beam katana and kill him is beyond me. The only thing this game fixes up is what happen at the last game which was that it explains what happen to henery at the last game and shinobu. THATS IT. Really is a pretty pointless story.
Bosses-7.5/10-I love the game for its deep cool and awesome boss fights. But this game is just a faliure at the boss fights. they are easy and lack any depth. They are so balnd and have 0 backround then the last game. There are 51 boss fights in the game but there is only 1 good boss fight in the game she is the 3rd ranked boss and is awesome as it can gets to I don't want to spolier it thought but she has a awesome song with her fight. There are also 3 more fights as henrey and shinobu but they also suck so ignore them.
Graphics-10/10-The game does the graphics right and they look really well and very good this time around.
Contolls-10/10-No controll promblems just like the last game.
Conclusion-Overall this game is aweful I don't care how much they improved the gameplay for the game. The story is stupid and bad. I also heard that SUDA-51 has said he has stoped the No More Heros games for the Wii, and even though I loved No More Heros 1 the seconed put such a bad taste in my mouth I am never gonna play No More Heros again. So in the end SUDA-51 you really sucked the 2nd No more heros so bad that I hope No more heros series ends now and fails.