No More Heroes makes it way on to PS3 This bloodthirsty action filled beat em' up, becomes one of my favorite ever game
Gameplay- Well as Travis wants to become no.1 he needs to fight the Numbers above him. Their whereabouts is only known by the assassin's agency. This information isn't free so you need to make some money for the next fight to be arranged. Travis can do odd jobs in town which all act like mini games like Mowing lawns, collecting Coconuts to mine clearing. These Jobs earn Travis Money depending on the rank he receives Bronze, Silver or Gold. Travis can also get Assassination Gigs at K-entertainment which set up fights and assassination jobs for Travis to earn some money again going on a ranking system of Bronze to Gold. These are a great way to earn cash and have some fun.
Santa Destroyer is the city where all of this goes on, and to get around Travis has his bike, which to be honest is a bit glicthy, On a number of occasions the bikes got caught on objects which can be very annoying. Travis can ride around town to assassination Gig's, odd jobs, and to the next rank battle. Santa Destoryer also offers a Clothes shop where you can customize Travis's look, Dr Naomi's place where you can customize and buy new Beam katanas and Parts. Theres also Training centre to raise your stats along with other places to visit in Santa destroyer. While cruising around Santa Destroyer Travis can knock Bins open to find new T-shirts or money, there are also other collectibles to collect and find in Santa destroyer like money and Orbs which can be traded for wresting moves with a drunk Russian.
The battles are very fun and easy to understand, Travis can sling his beam Katana as well as doing kicks and punches which can stun enemies, Stunned enemies can have wrestling throws performed on them to cause mass damage. When an enemies life is depleted you have to hit the direction shown with the move controller or Right analog stick on the controller to finish them off. Its quite fast passed but you get used to it very quickly. You find these kind of battles on Assassination Gigs, free fights and on the way to the rank fights. Well onto the Rank fights, the rank fights are a one on one fight against the next rank above you, they're quite fast passed and work like normal enemies for the majority of it. Some Rank fights have insta-kill moves which can kill you straight away with out you having a chance to defend yourself which can be annoying as some of them are hard to dodge and can start a fight thats nearly over right back to the start.
Graphics- The graphical art style is very different from other games and works very well. I personally love the art style for this game as well as the graphics. Theres a lot of blood so sometimes theres a lot of red splattering up the screen. Which leads me to raise another small problem with the game if the game registers a lot of kills at once which you'll get in some of the assassination Gigs, the game can't really handle the amount of blood splatter and it will go slow for a few seconds
Music- Excellent soundtrack though a lot of the songs are different versions of the same tune they are all great to listen to.
Re-playability- The game offers a lot with odd Jobs, free missions and assassination Gigs there's plenty to do. The game also offers New game+ and theres a true ending to unlock. So theres plenty to do. My 1st playthrough took about 16 hours which I got all of the beam Katana's and parts as well as doing all the odd jobs to gold and doing most of the assassination Gigs, and unlocking the true ending. After completing the game you also unlock very sweet mode which is basically very easy, in this mode all the female characters will wear sexier costumes aswell as unlocking a few more collectibles. The game also offers a score attack mode where you can do Boss Fights you have played before.
Summary- Absolutely one of most enjoyable games I've played in a very long time. I really recommend this as its not one to be missed. Its very easy to play and offers a lot of gameplay as well as a great storyline with a likable character taking you through this story.
+ Great game play
+ Brutal
+ Great extra features and side missions
+ Great soundtrack
+ Great graphics and Style
- Bikes a bit buggy