Mature? Not really, but still a ton of fun that shouldn't be missed if you own a Wii.
The graphics may not be the most technically impressing, but they are certainly interesting. Some people may not appreciate the style Grasshopper decided to go with here, but I really like it. It's very colorful, and I would say different, but cel-shading has become somewhat common now. It was a good way to make a game look good without exposing the weak hardware of the Wii. On the more technical side, the load times are fairly quick, and not all that common thankfully. This keeps you in the action, the less downtime in this game the better. There's some really bad collision detection when driving, but it's absolutely fine when on-foot, which makes no sense to me. Some of the animations could have been done better as well, again mostly when driving. There aren't really any glitches or anything, but I have heard of people's games freezing, but I never experienced this.
The soundtrack is surprisingly good in this game. The songs are very catchy, if not a little repetitive. I actually downloaded the soundtrack once I finished the game. The voice work is another nice surprise, and is much better than initial trailers made it out to be. The sound effects themselves are pretty solid, nothing really spectacular but they do their job. Well, I take that back. The screams of your fallen enemies are pretty spectacular.
The game-play is by far the best part. It's very simple at it's core, but as you play more you learn to string together combos to interrupt your enemies and basically make it so they can't even hit you as you tear through them one by one. The finishing moves and wrestling moves are both very satisfying to pull off, but I like the dismemberment the finishing moves provide the best. By the way, this is a really gory game. You probably won't see more blood flying around on screen on another game ever. Keep in mind the blood doesn't look real at all, but I felt I should mention it to remind people that this game isn't for kids. It also contains a fair amount of swearing and some pretty suggestive scenes. For those of us that are old enough, this is all a good thing and is a nice escape from reality. As I mentioned before, the driving segments suck, but unless you want to take forever to get from location to location they're pretty much mandatory. The game is fairly easy up until the last 3 bosses, who can be quite a challenge. Speaking of bosses, they are awesome. These are seriously some of the coolest and most fun bosses I have ever gone up against. The storyline, while better than I was expecting it to be, is still pretty lackluster and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It is an action game though, and no one was truly expecting an engrossing story, just lots of blood, death, and fun, and this game provides it.
This game is just about having fun, pretty much what games were originally intended. I have a new respect for Suda-51 and those at Grasshopper who worked on this game. They know how to make fun games, plain and simple. They don't need fancy graphics or anything, they have what's most important: game-play.