No More Heroes Review.
User Rating: 9 | No More Heroes WII
This is a very good and creative game. I will come out of the open and say this is not a long game. Its very short. You are a assassin named Travis Touchdown. He has to get up in the ranks to become the number one assassin. You start off the game fighting the first assassin Death Metal. Each of the bosses are very creative and each have there own fighting style and weapon. Your weapon is a beam katana. Basicly a light saber. You are fighting through many bosses with the help of a mysterious organization and a girl named Siliva. I think the story is very creative. The battle system is just running around and slashing things. The attacks get old, but every time you kill someone it is so satasfying. Between the ranked fights when you are in the town it gets dull and boring. This game is not for everyone. If you have little kids this game has lots of lanugage. This game has great humor. This game is worth the 30 dollar price tag. Depending on the type of game you enjoy.