Kill Bill meets Grand Theft Auto meets FUN

User Rating: 8.5 | No More Heroes WII
Definatly a most own in my opinion for the wii. I really enjoyed the game, if you havent had the pleasure of playing the game it reminded me of kill boy kinda. Your job is to bulit up money via Grand theft auto style missons in order to face each boss. I think there was a total of 10 bosses overall. The strengths of this game is the controller. Its fun to use it as a sword and I never felt it got boring, it actually made some repetive missions less boring because of the controller. The bosses where well done, each have there own unique powers, voices, and flares. The biggest strength is definatly the boss battles as I said each one is different in attacks and difficulty from the previous bosses. Of course even the best games has its share of weaknesses. For no more heroes the biggest weakness is by far the graphics. The art I felt was first rate anime, and characters where nice, but the enviroments where lacking visually. Also the Grand theft part wasnt as good as it could have been. For instance your motorcycle to get around on, gets old fast, .... The ending was a tad dissapointing as well to me. I kinda new what was going to happen and the whole game is fairly predictable. Although awesome they could have had even more fun with the story. There just wasnt that much going on in between missions and you never really feel attached to your character. Overall I give this game a 8.5 Better story add .05, better graphics .05, add to the story .05.,,,,,,,,,,, But as I said this is a must buy for wii owners, and even being a PC Gamer and 360 gamer I advice anyone if they get a chance to play this game, it is really awesome.