One of the best to grace the Wii

User Rating: 10 | No More Heroes WII
WOOO! is this game fire. Right from the start it gets you hooked. That is probably due to one of the game's main philosophy's "Gamers today are impatient" or something along the lines of that. The game follows the story of Travis "Rocket" Touchdown and his quest to kill the 10 top ranked assassins above him. Now I won't spoil the story but it is one of the best I played this year. Getting to meet the unique and different characters was surely a treat and you saw the growth of Travis as he progresses through the game. I know this game kind of ruined star wars fan boys in their vision of a lightsaber but get over it. They are very original and should step away from the look of the star wars kind. The control scheme is ingenious in fact. They do pretty much nothing to mess you up or the game. Simple button pressing to attack and swinging the Wiimote to complete finishers. Oh man are those finishers gore and blood. The level of the blood is outrageous. Simple kills are over the top insane with blood just filling the screen and i'm not a fan off that. So the only bad is that you have to grind on missions to gain access to those ranking matches by doing lame missions and jobs. It's also a free roam map so it's a pain getting to place to place over all this is a good game and highly underrated because people haven't given it a shot due to the fact that it's different worth 30 bucks since a price drop within the first few months. I got it used for 13. So out buy it good game.