A A A A swing remote, A A A A swing remote. Get used to it there isnt much more
The amount of good reviews this game has means that no matter what I say if you think the game looks awesome, and bloody and violent then your either going to buy it or rent it at some time. You will be right though the game does look awesome and it is bloody (assuming you manage to secure an uncut version with red blood and not black blood) and it definitely is violent. Really what more could you want from a game. The answer to that question is variety.
While No More Hero's in your face attitude is enough to draw you in and put the controller in your hand unfortunately the repetitive nature will force you to put it back down after not more than 20 min. Splitting a suit wearing gangster in half or decapitating that same gangster to the tune of a blood fountain gets better and better as the first round progresses. It seems as though there will never be enough bad guys to turn into chop suey. What makes this better is your learning the controls and the finer points of the high and low striking techniques. You pick up wrestling moves as you go which also gives you new ways to inflict pain and suffering. And then that's about it. I'm sorry but by the time I got to the first boss I was sick of bashing A and waving my arm for the same blood filled death sequences. The wrestling moves I mentioned are a nice distraction but in the end makes killing the guys take longer. There are power-ups you get which seem to generate randomly through slot machine style symbols that spin after each death but even these don't do much as far as changing it up.
The graphics are pretty cool though it must be said. SUDA-51 deliver the kinda comic cell shaded style started in their Killer 7 title and it really works with the game. Like I said the extreme amount of blood that comes from the killer blows is simply awesome to watch. The way you go in slow motion for just a moment right before you rip through someone is very satisfying. The wrestling moves when you bother to do them make you glad you're not on the receiving end. The cut scenes of the bosses are well constructed and add to the intensity of the battle that follows. Even better than the boss build up is the boss death scenes which deliver much needed variety to the death sequences. Basically, while you're fighting everything is looking pretty shmick. The levels (I only played 2) seem like they have promise. The first, a mansion gets a bit stagnant at times but offers glimpses into some form of visual spectacles. The second, a baseball stadium, well it looks like a stadium would look like. Running through the internal workings of a ball park isn't going to be remarkable on the eye but when you finally make it to the middle under the big lights yet again it offers some spectacle.
Sound for games in general I something I tend to disregard a lot, but in this case it must be mentioned. The sound effects when your katana slices through someone have a great deal of ommph to them. When wrestling moves are done bones crack and bodies hit hard and the sound reflects that.
The game itself is links the story of a would be assassin striving for the number one spot with an over-world map featuring one big mother F---- bike. In general the streets all look the same and don't really add much to going and getting jobs to do to make money to fight again. The one job I did was collecting coconuts or something and it was boring, stupid and pointless. The story has merit and is supported well by cut scenes with humour and good voice acting.
The games mature style with massive amounts of blood doesn't do enough to make up for the lack of depth and repetitive nature.
I will say though it is good to some wii specific games aimed at the mature gamer, if only they could get the controls and challenge to match the adult themes.