One of those best action games.
The storyline for no more heroes is pretty good it gets more interesting as you progress through the game. Basically youre a dude who wants to be number 1 in the united asasins assosiation, so youre gonna have to kill the top 10 and make your way to the top.
First off the game has two dfficulty setings you start of with and a third one you unlock when u beat it.The gameplay is good, solid and fun. In combat you only fight enemys with youre selection of beam katanas and your trusty wrestling moves. Hitting enemys with your katana can done by pressing the a button, you have the option to lock onto your enemy with the z button which is helpful. Once you have reduced your foes life to a little bit an arrow appears on screen simply swing the wii mote in that direction and you will do a death blow. You can also charge you beam katana by holding the a button realising it to slice an enemy in half. Wreslting moves are similar just press the b button and then again and move the nunchuck and wii remote as shown on the screen. most moves kill enemys in one hit. you can also dodge attacs easily by pressing the d pad. your katana runs out of energy all u have to do is hold 1 and shake the wii remote.
The graphics are good it has nice fluid animations. The games city is not that polished but you forget about that. The game has tons of blood which is really awesome. you could change the way your character looks but only with clothes. The jobs in the game arent annoying and are pretty fun since they have highscores you could get. The music in the game is good there will probably be a couple of tunes youll like.No more heroes is a great awesome game it defintley deserves to be in any wii owners game library. This is one of those games that will make you keep playing it until the end and then a bit more.