With your trusty light saber, uh beam katana, get ready for one bloody adventure you don't want to miss out on.
(5 out of 5)Gameplay: Well since Travis is an assassin, you will spend most of your time, well…..assassinating people. Don't mix this game with Assassin's Creed's type of gameplay, both of the games are entirely different. You won't be sneaking around and silently stabbing people, no, real assassins like Travis go around and beat the crap out of people with light sabers, whoops, I mean beam katanas. You will spend most of your time mashing the A button, and after you get the enemies life bar low you can perform a finishing blow by swinging the Wii Remote in the right direction. You can also perform a series of wrestling moves by following the commands on screen if you're not in the mood in slicing and dicing your enemies. Even though the fighting system is simple, it is extremely satisfying. I can't put my finger on it, but the mixture of blood and coins that come out of enemies' bodies is a sight to behold. You will basically be fighting your way through a level, to get to the Assassin, or boss of the level. Each boss requires a different approach to them, but in the end you will always end up swinging your beam katana until you actually hit them. If you are not assassinating people you perform odd jobs like mowing the lawn, disarming land mines, and cleaning graffiti off the walls, they may sound like menial tasks but they are surprisingly fun. There are multiple things you can do in the game from exercising to increase your health, to shopping for new clothes and upgrading your katana. The frame rate can sometimes lag if you kill a bunch of enemies all at once, and the lack of a retry button can cause some serious frustrations if you are just trying to earn a lot of money or if you failed a mission. Those flaws can be excused though since the game is INCREDIBLY fun!
(3.5 out of 5) Graphics: I will admit that No More Heroes is NOT a perfect game, and the graphics help prove my point. The game's graphics look blurry at times, and the level designs look plain and dull, you will find yourself wandering the same looking rooms over and over, but luckily the gameplay saves it. There are a lot of noticeable glitches when you are exploring the over world, Santa Destroy, and there are some collision problems. You can knock over ten trees in a row but you can't know over a small chair, WorkTimeFun! It feels like Suda 51 got too lazy with the graphics. They could have at least let people die when you run them over with a motorcycle, is that too much to ask for? What saves the game from being a graphical disaster though is the unique personality, look, and feel of the game's graphics. The block looking map, the toilet saving bathrooms, the game just has a unique feeling to it.
(5 out of 5) Sound: The voice acting and scripting is phenomenal. The voice actors have really out done themselves, and the scripting in the game is psychotic, funny, and very serious all at the same time. It's just so crazy what the characters say in the game, you become very interested and very excited to hear what they will say next. The music in the game gets very catchy, and very fast. I just can't seem to get the battle tune out of my head anymore, and that is a good thing.
Overall: Despite the some problems with the graphics, No More Heroes is another GOOD reason to fight someone for the ownership of a Nintendo Wii. The gameplay is so satisfying, the characters are interesting, and the story just gets better as you go, this could possibly be a candidate for Game of the Year, POSSIBLY.