review 70 i am Nobunaga's Ambition! just kidding i am classicgamejunk!
a review on a game that i hate but named me i reached
level 15 on gamespot and it has not even been a year yet since
i joined this after the level whatever it says a name of
mostly a game like rad racer or wensea10 is on bionic commando
on level 28.dang that is good.i heard if you fill up you're level bar
all the way you can become a staff on here but i don't know yet.
so anyway i thought of doing a thing where i list all the games
i have done up to this 70th review and since summer is almost
over and i don't need to care because i am not a kid i have nothing
to worry about.i hope they don't make adult school.anyway time to
review this game like a review not a rant like last in this
boring title i will not say again.well this game is a rpg game which is
like a maze and we all know how much i HATE GAMES LIKE
THAT! also you play as a Japanese warrior and it is during civil
war even though this looks like the century days and what is that
kings and queens and dragons burning peoples butts.on the back
of the box it says they make the characters look good and the
graphics when really it just looks like me going to comic con
and puking from some guy wearing a bikini dot ask. so yeah
this game as you may imagine is good to some people but
me NO NO NO!