This game is a surprisingly steam punk mix of good and bad. Think Indiana Jones meets Final Fantasy.
This game kind of took me by surprise. The game is brought to you by the same people who did FFIII and FFIV. If you like those games, this game is most likely for you. If you don't, then it probably isn't but read on.
Graphics: 8/10. Not as choppy or blocky as I expected but still similar to other DS titles. The world seems robust though it does hem you in with traditional Final Fantasy "paths".
Sound: 7/10. I don't know what I expected but in this day and age I was hoping for alittle more than reading subtitles. Some good dialog, even if only for movie events, would have been appreciated. Though often they pick wierd character voices so I suppose at that point my imagination would do better.
Gameplay: 8/10. Some interesting things here. While it doesn't exactly make use of the DS touch screen, the spare screen is the usual map which is useful. The skills/abilities section plays like Final Fantasy X where there is a path and you choose which directions/paths on the abilities tree you want to go. Some research would be useful so you don't blow a particular path early on.
Playability: 9/10. I'm biased here but I favor these RPGs. I tend to enjoy the storyline and depth of characters. I will say the Victorian mix/Steampunk-esque world is appealing in a "what if" sort of way.
Replay: UNKNOWN. Here's the unknown factor as I'm not done the game yet. If it is like previous titles, I expect a New+ or further item/ability gathering.
Overall: 8.5/10.
I like it. Not saying EVERYONE will. It is a nice game and would make a decent addition for anyone who likes RPGs.