A super fun game, that will remain a great part of my childhood.
Although it still has some weakpoints, not many though, it still is an wonderfull game to play, with a good storyline, and a good character designer, plus the three differant order of people you could play as, Wizards, Warriors, and, uh, a mix of the both that can summon animals, each of those have there own path of the storyline, and the cutscenes are nice, especially the ending cutscenes of each class, are especially rewarding.
The game has many differant weapons, spells, and other equipment that you can choose from, and you'll always be going, wow a new bow or, wow new wrist guards, and some equipment, even offers magical bonuses. To top it all there are shurikins that return to you.
The story is about a guy named Jack who is a regular, trailer trash, type guy, with a nagging wife, hes in the middle of watching the game, and gets sucked into a mysterious globe on his tv. Mokuba, the villan of the game, is trying to collect the pieces of an ancient and very powerfull staff, you as Jack go on your own quest to collect the pieces. Very immersive, and fun, I rate it as a deffinate classic, and overall better then the Diablo games put together, go and buy the game online to play the best RPG that ever hit stores.
Although the graphics arn't exactly it's strong point, it more than makes up for it in its wonderfull and addicting gameplay.