Awesome Paintball game......less then steller game.
The game itself, is actually not too bad. Once you get used to the snap outs, hand changing camera (which i found to be slightly wonky), you can lay paint down pretty quick and accurately.
Here comes the problems tho. Some of the physics are bananas on this game. When you jump, you get an odd hover feeling, when you slide, its uncontrolable, and awkward. The camera angles are off when you switch hands, etc.
the AI is borderline retarded. there is no incentive to really work on the breakout pattern, as you will most likely win every match regardless of how you break out. The command controls are useless as well as your team mates dont really listen anyways.
The graphics are pretty good. the balls actually bounce off bunkers, and you can see the lines which i enjoy. The bunkers look really good and have great looking textures. Not only that, but you can actually tell what marker your using!!!
The game actually uses REAL MARKERS!!! which is fantastic!! the bad side of this, is it doesnt matter what marker your using. with all the opgrades and different pieces you can purchase, it makes no change on how you perform. thing shoots differently.
instead of buying upgrades, just buy new attribute points for your players. its uncanny how many attribute points you can buy right away. you can have your players abilities maxed early on in the game. which is borderling ridiculous in my books.
If you are a hardcore paintball fan, you might, MIGHT enjoy this game. i love my paintball, but this still didnt do it for me, and was NOT worth the $65 i shelled out for it. thats a case of paint i could have bought instead.
easy to learn
physics - jumping/sliding
minimal if any multiplayer
attribute purchases are unreasonably cheap
no improvements on "upgrades"
gets old fast, even to paintball players.