paintball championship 09 is a good game worth playing

User Rating: 8.5 | NPPL Championship Paintball 2009 WII
this is a nicely planned FPS paintball game which is good brcause you getr to do over 35+ tournaments if u win them u should earn cash to buy more than 110+ pieces of offically licened gear for your team

there is offical NPPL and millenium speedball field locatobns and there also is really cool woodsball cources in the woods which i think is pretty fun

BUT there is no multiplayer or online multiiplayer whjich probably is the only con but a really bad 1 especially for an FPS

you can play dynastey training drills to earn skill points for your team to improve your players speed accurasy reloading speed ......

the really cool thing is field creater which is oviosly where you can build your own map and play there

the controls are difficult to learn for the wii zapper at first but after awhile you get used to it

i recommend this game even thogh its a little annoying not even a multuplayerbut still a great game to get