It's like a mix of Teen slasher horror with a touch of Dejá vu. Keep reading...

User Rating: 7.5 | Obscure II PS2
ObsCure 2 follows up shortly after a horrible nightmare in Leafmore High, 2 years have passed since then, the students who survived that night still suffer from the horrible scar that marked their past.
But this time around, it's no walk in the park.

Storyline- Yes, the poisonous flowers are back, and this time around they are turning every single Fallcreek campus student into a living brain eater, and so our heroes set into a dangerous journey to find out how the flowers reached the campus and how the infection works and symptoms.
In my opinion, yes, the story was pretty disappointing, I will not spoil you, but I was not too surprised, you'll thank me for warning you and you will know why once you played it.
Let's just say... don't pick favorites.

Gameplay- Excellent, suspense tries to keep you on your toes, with various agonizing sounds and such, new kinds and more variety of puzzles to keep you going and entertained.
When characters get hit by monsters, they fall in a realistic way, screen also goes a bit fuzzy when such happens.

Sound- Typical teen slasher horror music, with lots of rock and metal songs composed by Oliver Derivier, the famous composer for ObsCure and for the upcoming game of Alone in the Dark 5.
Different kinds of sounds and creepy music.

Replay value - Now, this is the worst department in this game.
The game's main story keeps you going for about 8 hours, it's fun, but once you finish the main story there is no sorts of unlock-ables, the only thing this game rewards is by saving a character and playing as it and trying to get all keys to get all the bonus weapons but no alternative costumes or anything like that, no Making Of's, no Trailers, artwork or such, very disappointing.

I hope you enjoyed reading my review and did not get bored by it.