Obscure is a great survival horror game that has been unfairly (and somewhat ironically) ignored.

User Rating: 8.6 | Obscure PS2
Story: Usually an important aspect of a survival horror game, the story in Obscure sort of takes a back seat to the action, but what is there is pretty decent if a little cliche. The story surrounds a group of teenagers that try and find out what is going on with their school after one of their friends goes missing. They are soon attacked by various creatures and stuggle to escape the school and survive as well as unravelling the mystery of what is happening with the school. Gameplay: While using the standard horror formula, albeit with some improvements to the controls (you don't have to hold a button done to run, thank god) the game does have some notable features. You play the game using a team of two characters from the group of friends and are able to switch between the two on the go and a second player can jump in at any time in an excellent co-op mode. Each character also have their own special ability, with the most useful of which is one character's ability to tell when you've found every item in a room, which helps you avoid having wander round aimlessly looking for a puzzle item you may have missed. One other feature I found interesting was the use of light, as the game's enemies are vulnerable to direct sunlight. During the day you can break windows to take out some of the weaker monsters and during the night you can use your flashlight to weaken monsters to make them more vulnerable to your weapons. Other than this it stays true to the classic formula and plays like most other horror games (it borrows some of Silent Hill's ideas such as the flashlight and the self annotating map), but stays fresh throughout thanks to its new ideas and ingeniusly obvious setting and inspiration (teen slasher movies). Graphics and Sound: The graphics are good if a little cartoony at times. The enviroments are great, there are some good monster designs and the lighting effects are cool. The sound is also good, though some of the voice acting is a bit duff and the creatures send out some creepy noises. Value: With two endings, multiple characters and two player co-op mode theres plenty of reasons to re-play it.