this is less of a review, & more a small article of my impressions, but i don't want to be seen as a pessimist on my GameSpot page when you look at my average score. shush.
i love how rather than putting all of their focus into the platforming element of this game, Oddworld Inhabitants made this game more puzzle-oriented, with you having to use items, such as grenades, or possess enemies to activate a lever they're guarding, or just flat out make them commit suicide, & Abe activates it. well, not suicide, & more euthanasia, considering they're possessed. anyway, i like platforming, platformers are my favourite genre of games, but prioritising other things made this game stand out amongst PS1 games, & be established as a force to be reckoned with. i also like the level graphics & models, which i assume are pre-rendered, i don't know. but look at the levels, & tell me that's not great for 1997. damn. (that's not a comment on game graphics back then, because i love that style of visuals, i'm just saying that i think it's cool how the environments look slightly ahead of the time.) and the controls are really good too! hard to explain, honestly. the control is rather unorthodox, but really tight & smooth. i love this game! i'm sorry if i'm being a suck-up, but damn! this is a solid experience, i highly recommend it to PlayStation or just gaming enthusiasts, & i have high hopes for when i try out the 2nd game: Abe's Exoddus