it took me ages to find this game but now its MINE! yay. maybe the best 2D game ever!
the idear of this is you are a slave in this meat house with many others of your kind. then your so called 'boss' thinks your race would make a nice new meat snake so your mission is to escape and resure as many of your type as you can, this is were i find it hard i can never resure enaf to get the good ending were you dont die :( your race are pretty stupid so they die alot by walking into big blads, getting shot by the grades, getting eaten by the dogs and spiders. the monsters are really cool and the grahics are really good also.
im telling you, you have to buy this game if you can or at least play it from a friends house or rent it. beleave me you will rent it more then once after ;)
oh and the second game is also good but really easy i found so give that a go too.