Violence, bounteys and.......fuzzles? This game kicks arse!!!
Thats the problem, is a f.p.s or a platformer? well its both. the use of "live ammo" brings a fabulous twist to the shooting and running at 45 mph on all fours is a welcome addition to the platforming.
The plot only really kicks in half way through the game and what a plot it is!!! The "stranger" is in need of an operation of some kind ( l hope you understand its very hard to explain the plot without giving any spoilers ) that costs a whoppping 20,000 quid. so the first half of the game sees you hunting down outlaws and the like to get the cash. i wont go into the second halve of the game due to spoilers, but lets just say it gets pretty intense.
As stated, live ammo is bassicaly, animals instead of bullets. you can use spiders to wrap up fellons and hornets as (wait for it) a machine gun!!!
all thanks to your double barrel crossbow.
graphics are stunning and really set a standard for all x-box games and the action never slows down....ever. yep there are next to no loading screens in the game!!!
all in all its a fab game that really steps forward from other odddworld games....BUY IT