Odin Sphere is a unique and well crafted game with beauty and charm...but it didn't all come together for me
The gameplay of Odin Sphere is a mix of RPG and side-scrolling beat'em up type fighting. In that aspect, I suppose it would classify as an action-rpg. You basically have one attack button and can perform combos, air attacks, ground attacks, and diving attacks. You can also, obviously, jump. Finally, what may be one of the most important--or THE most important--aspect of the game, you can cast magic attacks or abilities. You do this by absorbing photons which are found after defeating enemies, creating a particularly good item, or coming across a butterfly. Absorbing photons is crucial to gameplay, it helps to level you up and gives you the ability to cast magic. Your magic, is essentially, the most devastating way with which to take care of enemies. Secondly, you have the ability to dabble in cooking and alchemy. Both are sort of explained...but I would have liked a lot more depth in explanation, to be honest. I often felt like I was missing something, like I didn't catch an explanation or I was waiting to hear one for something else. Additionally, the game has six characters. Each one has a personal story which interweaves with the large Odin Sphere universe. At first you're a Valkyrie, and then you are a fairy Princess. The story and characters are very well crafted. The voice acting is actually pretty nicely done as well, and I was actually shocked that there was voice acting at all. But actually, almost every word is spoken. My main problem with the game, was as I mentioned, I often felt like I was missing something. Yes it was fun to kill hordes of monsters, yes it was challenging to fight a huge boss, and yes it was interesting to mix potions...but it didn't all come together for me. Apparently, it has for other people--but I guess I just couldn't get into it. The bottom line is, Odin Sphere is a unique and well crafted game with beauty and charm. You should check it out, and you may just find that there is a gem that I overlooked.