Odin sphere is not your typical JRPG. its basically an action sidescroller (a la' castlevania: SOTN). though it may not live up to that, it does have an interesting story in which the narrative is by a young girl who reads through 5 books by 5 protagonists. i don't want to spoil what happens, but the story unfolds through chapters and acts. the game can be easy at first, and you can choose which path's you take on the maps. but i would highly recommend that you go and clear all areas before taking on the main boss of the stage. be warned though that during those climactic battles there are slowdowns, major slowdowns. but that shouldnt keep you away from the game. you may die, and die a lot even at the lowest difficulty. (you gain nothing by playing it on the hardest). you'll be facing many bosses at least several times, and by the 3rd or so time you face them you already know their patters. but when a new boss comes. then that is where you may spend around an hour or two figuring out how to beat them.
also, you will have to item manage a LOT in this game, by creating items which are necessary to your success. graphically the game looks great as an animation 2d. even in the age where 3d rpgs or cell shaded dominate. musically, the game has an orchestral background that is amazing. oh, lest i forget. both english and japanese voices are amazing.
In Odin Sphere you play through a storyline as multiple characters, each character shows you a different view of the story from a different perspective. First you begin the story as a girl in her attic with her cat readi... Read Full Review
The next generation of game consoles is already among us. However, that fails to stop the flow of quality titles still coming out of the woodwork for Sony’s old system. This notion is no better proven than with the arriv... Read Full Review