Well Worth Picking up. .
Well Worth picking up, at first i couldn't get in to it but wow i got in to it and loved it. I love how you play all the different characters version of what is going on, each time you play you learn something and helps to keep the story going. You would think playing the story through with different people would get boring but it doesn't, they way the game plays out the story keeps you drawn in. I like the different fighting styles the carachters have, Each have there own differnt way of fighting, some fly or jump and so on... You make potions to help your fights, you go to the cafe and make recipes to level up. They give you opportunity to level up if you choose by playing through the books again before entering the last book ( Armageddon )
The story is about a group of different characters( five) and there story in saving there people and there planet as some one tries to bring about the end of there world. well written story with many twist.
It has a long play time which makes it well wroth buying. A game you can play for hours and still not be board. A interesting game with awesome story , sound , unique characters and graphics.