A great game from Atlus that will give you good gameplay, a great story, and a good amount of difficulty to keep you in.

User Rating: 9.3 | Odin Sphere PS2
In Odin Sphere you play through a storyline as multiple characters, each character shows you a different view of the story from a different perspective. First you begin the story as a girl in her attic with her cat reading books of ancient fairly tales and mystical lands. As she reads you begin playing as a valkyrie named Gwendolyn striving to get her father Demon Lord Odin a powerful and merciless leader of the Aesir to love her. You play through 5 different storylines to get the full view of the games storyline although some games fail here and make it repetative and boring Odin Sphere does not. After all 5 of the storylines are completed they combine to unite the storyline.

The graphics on Odin Sphere are amazing and anyone and everyone should love not only the hand drawn sprites but the artistic value of the surrounding and animations. It is similar to many other Atlus games but it is much better than usual although with the amazing looking graphics and artistic feel of the game comes one big downfall. The only big problem I have with Odin Sphere the slow-down problem the game suffers from a horrible case of it where during various boss fights, loading screens, and some battles with a large amount of units the game will slown down and make the game hard to play.

The gameplay has some faults but is at the same time very fun, most of the time you are a melle character who uses various weapons such as chain, spear, or sword. When you play as melle fighting consists of mostly wailing of your enemies while trying not to get hit which although sounds repeatative it is much more entertaining than the average action RPG game. When you are useing ranged the fighting differs alot and changes more to a hit and run tactic where you blast them with tons of arrows then run away so you can reload and won't get hurt. Each of the 5 characters that you play as throughout Odin Sphere have various unique combos, skills, and attacks such as homing attacks from long range or a continuous spinning jump attack.

One thing that Odin Sphere has that most games don't these days is a large amount of difficulty I know that most gamers unfortunatly do not want a hard game but I think most big RPG fans do. Many games and many great games underestimate the abilities of new gamers and make games easy or average where you can stroll through the game without any difficulty. Although Odin Sphere has a slow down problem but it has great gameplay, a very in-depth storyline, and it is a great artistic and graphical game so all in all i would rate Odin Sphere a 9.2 out of 10. I would suggest anyone who likes a challenging game with a entertaining battle system to try out Odin Sphere and at least get your own opinion before looking the other way.